


Lukas Dhont | 2022 | 104’ | Drama | Prancis dengan takarir Indonesia
Eden Dambrine, Gustav De Waele, Émilie Dequenne

Persahabatan intens antara dua anak laki-laki berusia tiga belas tahun, Leo dan Remi, tiba-tiba terganggu. Berjuang untuk memahami apa yang terjadi, Leo mendekati Sophie, ibu Remi. “Dekat” adalah sebuah film tentang persahabatan dan tanggung jawab. 

The intense friendship between two thirteen-year-old boys Leo and Remi suddenly gets disrupted. Struggling to understand what has happened, Léo approaches Sophie, Rémi’s mother. “Close” is a film about friendship and responsibility. 

2023 Nominee Oscar, Best International Feature Film, Belgium
2022 Winner, Grand Prize of the Festival, Lukas Dhont, Cannes Film Festival 
2022 Nominee Palme d’Or, Lukas Dhont, Cannes Film Festival
2022 Nominee Queer Palm, Lukas Dhont, Cannes Film Festival
2022 Winner Silver Hugo, Best Feature Film, Chicago International Film Festival 

20 – 26 November 2023
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